Faʻamatalaga puʻupuʻu:

Faamatalaga auiliiliga

Oloa Tags

Talosaga Talosaga

The probe can be directly connected to Nernst's oxygen analyzer. It can also be equipped with oxygen analyzers and oxygen sensors produced by other companies. Le-30


Atigi mea

Vevela pulea


 : The gas pump in the analyzer supplies about 50 ml/min. Use the gas for the instrument and supply the gas through the pressure reducing valve and float flow meter provided by the user. O le gaosi oloa e maua ai le PVC faʻafesoʻotaʻi paipa mai le float fugalaʻau i le lagona ma le fesoʻotaʻiga i le sessor faʻainu ma le trawertater ain i le faʻaupuga pito i le auala.





Calibration: Ina ua maeʻa le faʻapipiʻiina o le polokalama o le mautu, e tatau ona siaki tasi.


Mamanu Manaomia Umi
L1000 (EX)

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  • Fesootai oloa

    Nernst Hgp faasologa maualuga maualuga le mamafa o le okesene okesene